GOST Books at The Photography Show presented by AIPAD
Stand 75 | Pier 94 | New York City
5 - 8 April 2018
We're excited to be participating in The Photography Show presented by AIPAD for the first time. We will be bringing a range of our special editions including Pittsburgh 1950 by Elliott Erwitt, POP by Brian Griffin,The Last Testament by Jonas Bendiksen and The Winners by Rafal Milach alongside new titles such asGood Sick by Jordan Baumgarten and SPUD by Brian Griffin. Also on offer will be a small selection of our rare titles.
Thursday 5 April:
17.20 - 17.40 As part of the PhotoBooks Spotlight organised by Aperture, GOST Director Stuart Smith will be giving a short talk about Good Sick by Jordan Baumgarten.
Saturday 7 April:
14.00 - 15.00 Elliott Erwitt will be signing copies of Pittsburgh 1950
16.00 - 17.00 Jordan Baumgarten will be signing copies of Good Sick