Donation to Doctors without Borders

Donation to Doctors without Borders

ANNOUNCEMENT: From 1 until 8 December 2023 we will be donating 20% from direct sales of our current titles (see exclusions below) from to Doctors without Borders to support their ongoing and vital work.

As an independent business we appreciate your support by buying books from us directly. Rather than participating in Black Friday or seasonal offers - which aren't sustainable to us due to our high production costs which we do not want to compromise - we would rather try to help raise funds for a good cause at a time when customers may be gift buying.

We will donate 20% from all current titles, excluding From the Heads of the Hollers, Thatcher's Children and Odesa as we already have donations in place for these titles. The donation won't be applied to pre-orders of forthcoming books nor special editions.

The GOST Books team would like to thank everyone for their support this year!

This photograph is by Witold Krassowski from his book 'Sackcloth and Ashes'.
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